This page has nothing to do with my tattoos, and everything to do with our cats.
They’re not studio cats, mind you—hygiene is of utmost importance to us.
We have five of ‘em at home, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I’m going to talk about them during our session. So meet the gang now!
Wolfenstein the New Order, A.K.A The Girlwolf / Wolfling / Tiny / The Prettiest Girl in the World.
She’s the love of my life, my shadow, my babychild. She really loves bottle caps and singing to me.
Jango. The Mango-Man. Yngwie Malmsteen.
He’s one of Samma’s cats, and he travelled 3,000 miles from the UK to be with us. He’s a grumpy old man, and my soulmate. We’ve lived a thousand lives together, and we’ll see a thousand more.
Arla. Or, Miss Arlene /The Barley Girl.
She also came all the way from Blighty to be with us here. She’s the loveliest girl ever. If Arla doesn’t like you, you’re bad inside.
Enter: Khan the Destroyer, the Largest Man in the World.
He’s so massive, and so frightened of everything. Every day he faces horrors beyond his comprehension, but nothing can fix that like food.
Antfarm. A.K.A, The Farmiest Yard. Named for the Alien Ant Farm song, “Calico”
She’s the cleverest little creature I’ve ever met in my life, and she’s always in places. Investigating. Sniffing. Plotting.